Another of the many Irish saints, known only for the recording of his name in the Irish calendars, is recorded at June 22. Canon O'Hanlon can only bring us a few lines on Saint Guaire Beg:
St. Guaire Beg or Bic, also called Guairius.
St. Guaire Beg or Bic, also called Guairius.
We find the name, Guaire Bic or Beg, mentioned, at the 22nd of June, in the Martyrology of Tallagh. Allusion is made to this St. Guairius or Guairenus, likewise, by Father John Colgan,as having had veneration paid to him, on this day, in the Irish Calendars. Little knowledge of his period or locality has been obtained. In the Martyrology of Donegal, the record of Guaire Beg, as having been venerated at the 22nd of June, is to be found.