June 7 is the commemoration of Saint Colman of Dromore. Various of this saintly bishop's miracles have been recorded, one of which, the story of Saint Colman and the Water Monster, Canon O'Hanlon related in a collection of folklore. In the Lives of the Irish Saints he records some other of Saint Colman's miracles, including this one concerning the saint's mother:
Our saint's mother had sent a message, that she desired the privilege of speaking to him. But, the servant of Christ returned for answer: "Let her take choice of the alternative, either to see me only, or to speak without seeing me". On hearing this, she said: "I had rather he would speak to me, on matters pertaining to the welfare of my soul". Then, both met, but on opposite sides of a tree, and they began to converse with each other, without being mutually seen. Meantime, by Divine interposition, an opening was made through the tree, and which enable both to behold each other, without the intervention of any obstacle.
Rev. John O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, Volume VI, (Dublin, n.d.), 234.