On June 4 we have the commemoration of one of many Irish saints whose only surviving record is the mention of their names in the calendars. Saint Faithlenn seems to boast an impressive genealogical pedigree but despite that remains otherwise obscure, as Canon O'Hanlon laments below:
St. Faithlenn, Son of Aedh Diamhan.
St. Faithlenn, Son of Aedh Diamhan.
He is entered, in the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 4th of June, as Faithlenn Mac Aodha Damhain. Marianus O'Gorman has his festival, at this same date. We read, in the Martyrology of Donegal, that on this day was venerated, Faithlenn, son of Aedh Diamhan, descended from the race of Corc, son to Lughaidh, son of Oilioll Flannbeg, sun to Fiacha Muilleathan, son to Eoghan Mor, son of Oilioll Oluim. Under the head of Inis-Faithlenn, Duald Mac Firbis enters, Faighlen or Faighlenn, from Inis-Faighlen. He is also called the son of Aedh Damhan, or the son of Aedh Bennan, of the race of Corc Mac Luigdech. He is regarded, as having descended from a Munster family of the blood royal. Our records regarding many holy men are exceeding meagre. The most interesting particulars, concerning our national saints, are often those unnoted, as the most profound and valuable thoughts of men are more frequently concealed than expressed.