Among the saints whose names are recorded in the earliest surviving Irish calendar at May 28 is a Saint Eoghan, whose name has the epithet 'the wise' attached. More details about the life of this holy man, obviously distinguished for his learning, are not available so we do not know to which of the Irish monasteries he was attached. Canon O'Hanlon brings us these few lines:
St. Eoghan, the Sage.
The Martyrology of Tallagh enters the name, Eoghan, Sapiens, at the 28th of May. The Bollandists also have Eugenius Sapiens, at this same date, and on the same authority. We are ignorant regarding his period and locality. Veneration was given on this day to Eoghan, the Sage, as we read, likewise, in the Martyrology of Donegal.
St. Eoghan, the Sage.
The Martyrology of Tallagh enters the name, Eoghan, Sapiens, at the 28th of May. The Bollandists also have Eugenius Sapiens, at this same date, and on the same authority. We are ignorant regarding his period and locality. Veneration was given on this day to Eoghan, the Sage, as we read, likewise, in the Martyrology of Donegal.