On May 23 the Irish calendars record the commemoration of a saintly bishop, but Saint Nechtlic is one of the many Irish saints for whom we have no other details. Canon O'Hanlon shares what the calendars record:
St. Nechtlaice, or Nechtlic, Bishop.
The name Nechtliacc, Bishop, is venerated, in the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 23rd of May. The Bollandists, in like manner, commemorated Nechtlagius Episcopus, at the same date; but, we find no means of knowing when he flourished, or where he presided over any See. It is entered, likewise, in the Martyrology of Donegal, that Nechtlic, Bishop, had a festival on this day.
St. Nechtlaice, or Nechtlic, Bishop.
The name Nechtliacc, Bishop, is venerated, in the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the 23rd of May. The Bollandists, in like manner, commemorated Nechtlagius Episcopus, at the same date; but, we find no means of knowing when he flourished, or where he presided over any See. It is entered, likewise, in the Martyrology of Donegal, that Nechtlic, Bishop, had a festival on this day.