We can begin the month of April with the commemoration of an obscure grouping of saints, known as The Sons of Gerán. How many individuals comprised the group is not recorded, indeed the only information Canon O'Hanlon is able to bring us is the recording of their names on the various Irish calendars:
The Sons of Geran, or Goran.
Who these holy persons were has not been known, nor can it be ascertained, at what particular time they flourished. In the published Martyrology of Tallagh, the entry, Mic or "sons of" Gerain, at the 1st of April, will be found, although incorrectly placed by the scribe. The Bollandists notice them, as "Filii Gorani," at this date, and on the same authority. On this day was celebrated a festival, in honour of The Sons of Gerán, as we find recorded, in the Martyrology of Donegal
The Sons of Geran, or Goran.
Who these holy persons were has not been known, nor can it be ascertained, at what particular time they flourished. In the published Martyrology of Tallagh, the entry, Mic or "sons of" Gerain, at the 1st of April, will be found, although incorrectly placed by the scribe. The Bollandists notice them, as "Filii Gorani," at this date, and on the same authority. On this day was celebrated a festival, in honour of The Sons of Gerán, as we find recorded, in the Martyrology of Donegal